Functional Personal Training: Empowering Women Over 50 to Live Their Best Lives.

As we age, our bodies undergo natural changes that can affect our strength, flexibility, and overall health. For women over 50, these changes often become more pronounced, making it essential to find fitness routines that not only keep us active but also enhance our quality of life. This is where functional personal training comes into play.

What is Functional Personal Training?

Functional personal training focuses on exercises that improve the body’s ability to perform everyday activities efficiently and safely. Unlike traditional workouts that may isolate muscle groups, functional training emphasizes movements that mimic real-life tasks. This approach strengthens the muscles, joints, and core, which are vital for maintaining balance, coordination, and stability.  Examples of functional movement that women I work with desire are getting of the ground, reaching overhead to put washing out or store things in overhead cupboards, or working in the garden minus the muscle soreness and strain in the hamstrings and lower back.  Watch the video below ???????? on how a ball throw down exercise can help with using a pick axe in the garden.  Additionally it is important to recognise what is functional for one person may be different for another.  For example, a hiker wanting to carry a heavy pack for a multi-day hike would have a different functional training process than someone who wants to play golf.  Consequently I have 3 approaches for small group personal training for women.  These are:

  • Fit Fusion – my signature program of multi-directional strength training for everyday living
  • Mountain Movers – for hikers – dynamic balance and leg and core strength 
  • Midlife Wellness Warriors – heavier weight training with bone density in mind, and pelvic floor safe

 You can read more about my 3 approaches here.

Key aspects of functional personal training include:

  • Multi-Directional Movements: Exercises involve movement in multiple planes of motion, such as twisting, bending, and reaching.
  • Core Stability: A strong core is crucial for almost every movement, from lifting a grocery bag to getting up from a chair.
  • Balance and Coordination: Training often includes balance work to improve stability and reduce the risk of falls.
  • Flexibility and Mobility: Stretching and mobility exercises ensure joints remain supple and functional, helping to prevent stiffness and pain.

Why is Functional Training Important for Women Over 50?

 For women over 50, functional personal training offers a tailored approach to fitness that aligns with the unique challenges and goals that come with aging. Here’s how it can make a difference:

1:  Improved Daily Functioning Functional training enhances the ability to perform everyday tasks with ease. Activities like climbing stairs, carrying groceries, rolling around with grandchildren and gardening become more manageable, reducing the strain on the body and improving overall quality of life.

2:  Injury Prevention As we age, the risk of injury increases, particularly from falls. Functional training focuses on improving balance, coordination, and muscle strength, which are critical for preventing falls and other injuries.  Dynamic balances become essential.  An example of static balance would be standing on 1 leg while dynamic balance is improved by rocking from front to rear leg without losing balance or stomping from foot to foot. 

3:  Enhanced Strength and Bone Density Strength training is a core component of functional fitness, helping to combat age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia) and maintain bone density. This is particularly important for women, who are at higher risk of osteoporosis after menopause.  This is not just about strength though, we need to add plyometic exercise (jumping, hopping, skipping) to stimulate bone growth.  This needs to be done in consideration of the whole health of the body – can your pelvic floor and knee and hip health handle this kind of impact?  If not, variation needs to be made to your training program.  This is where a two way conversation with your personal trainer is essential as there is no one size fits all approach for the post menopausal woman.  

4:  Better Flexibility and Mobility Functional training incorporates exercises that keep joints flexible and muscles lengthened, reducing stiffness and improving overall movement. This can alleviate common issues like lower back pain or joint discomfort.

5:  Increased Energy and Stamina Regular functional training improves cardiovascular health, boosts energy levels, and enhances stamina, making it easier to stay active and engaged in life’s activities.

6:  Boosted Mental Well-being Exercise has long been known to have mental health benefits, and functional training is no exception. By improving physical capabilities, women often experience a boost in confidence, mood, and cognitive function.

Tailoring Functional Training for Women Over 50

A personalized approach is crucial in functional personal training. A qualified trainer will assess your current fitness level, health conditions, and personal goals to design a program that fits your needs. This might include:

  • Low-Impact Exercises: To protect joints and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Progressive Strength Training: Gradually increasing the intensity of workouts to build strength without overexertion.
  • Flexibility and Mobility Work: Emphasizing gentle stretches and mobility exercises to maintain joint health.
  • Balance Training: Focusing on exercises that improve stability and prevent falls.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Incorporating activities that improve heart health without placing undue stress on the body.
3 fitn hikers who have just climbed a mountain


Getting Started with Functional Training

If you’re new to functional training, or returning to exercise after a break, it’s important to start slowly. Working with a personal trainer who specializes in functional training for older adults can ensure that you’re performing exercises correctly and safely.

Functional personal training is more than just a fitness routine; it’s a holistic approach to staying active, independent, and healthy as you age. By focusing on the movements and activities that matter most in daily life, functional training empowers women over 50 to maintain their strength, mobility, and vitality for years to come. Whether you’re looking to improve your balance, build strength, or simply stay active, functional training can help you live your best life.

a woman playing golf

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